Online agencies are leading the fastest growing trend in bookings through mobile phones
In 2017, 4 out of 10 € gained by an OTA will come from bookings made through a smartphone or tablet. Already in 2013 the investment in digital advertising surpassed the advertising in television. Since the last 4 years mobile advertising has experienced an annual growth of more than 100%.
This growth trend will reach € 282 billion in Europe in 2017, as tourists continue to turn to digital media, especially through mobile devices to book their travels. This 2016 mobile booking income has increased 63% compared to 2014.
The 'Mobile First' approach is the one preferred by Google
Since last year, the charging time on mobile devices is one of the main factors of positioning in Google. Responsive design improves the navigability of a web, but it does not affect the loading time on mobile devices, where it can be up to 10 times higher. The Ibexrentacar Mobile App is the 'Mobile First' solution that will allow you to improve the profitability of advertising in a constantly expanding market.
What exactly does Mobile First mean?
Mobile First is a mobile-optimized web design concept. The Mobile First approach proposes that mobiles will be the first device to be considered when designing a web, also thinking about its usability and performance, and from there, "scaling" its design to higher resolutions. In this way we ensure a correct reading and visualization of the content. Whoever wants its business to reach a greater number of potential customers, and therefore generate more traffic to its website, should concentrate on the development of the mobile web design strategy.
In 2015 Google announced that for the first time it had received more searches made from mobile devices than desktop computers. As a consequence, the online industry has put a greater interest in the development of Mobile First methodologies, which have revolutionized the creation of web pages. Its following features stand out: these sites concentrate the essential content and are thought for maximum performance in all the devices, with customized and specific designs for smartphones, fast access information, avoided use of large images or unnecessary characteristics, reductions applied in the source code and usage of specific programming languages, as disregarding for example rare software for mobile devices such as Flash.
Mobile First is the ideal complement for Responsive Design, and thus create websites that are truly adaptable, flexible and that fulfill their mission on any screen.